Web Design
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Why Do Some Content Marketing Agencies Say They Own Your Website

Chayse Thompson
Jan 10, 2023

If you own a website and hire a content marketing agency for the videos, images, articles and everything else in the site. Prior to launching the site, ownership of the website should be a clear agreement between the content marketing agency and the person/company requesting the website. 

What is a content marketing agency? 

A content marketing agency is a full-service business entity in charge of conceptualizing marketing strategies and creating marketing materials. The service these agencies provide also includes website managing, market research, tracking and analyzing of data and management of social media accounts. 

The materials created by content agencies may be in the form of videos, blogs, and other forms of website content. Depending on the client they are working with, contents they create are designed to increase brand awareness, generate new leads, drive website traffic, build trust or increase sales conversion. 

Do you need to work with an agency? 

Working with an agency depends on several factors. If you are an individual with full-time work, would you have the time to maintain a website? Can you also create fresh content regularly? Apart from the time and energy required on maintaining a website, you also have to factor in your finances. Check if you can afford to pay the services of an agency. Some of the products and services these agencies provide include: 

  • Blogs/articles/news
  • Infographics
  • Videos or other Visual Media
  • Website audit, creation and management 
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Since these agencies are responsible for the website and its content, it is essential that there is a clear understanding about website ownership. A particular website can be owned by a business organization, an individual or a group of people. 

What is website ownership? 

Website ownership refers to the legal claims on who has the right over the website and everything related to it. These could include matters related to domain name registration, the hosting, and the entire content. 

How could an agency claim ownership of your website? 

When you sign a contract with a content agency, make sure to check the clause related to ownership. If an agency claims ownership on a website, this means that they have a legal right over the content posted on your sites. As previously mentioned, content marketing agencies are in charge of content creation. Claiming rights over what they have produced means that they can use those content outside of your business. 

This also means that since the agency has the right over your website’s content, you have to seek the approval for republishing whatever is inside the website. If you are to print it on another publication, the agency’s consent is required. 

If your contract with the agency has ended and you want the rights over your website’s content, you need to negotiate it with them. If the agency is not willing to give you the rights over the content, you can’t repost or republish it in any way. 

Granting Permission to Create Account

Your agency could claim that they own your website when you grant them permission to create your accounts.  As recommended by Mojo Media Labs, if you want to retain control of your website, do not allow agencies to create accounts on your behalf. This would create a domain and hosting for the site. If you stop working with them, they can take over the website given the access they have. This is something you want to avoid from happening. 

What are website ownership alternatives? 

If you want to avoid this kind of situation, you can create the content yourself. If you don’t have the time and skills required, you can hire a freelance writer and graphic designer. Make sure to have a clear arrangement with these contractors that you will have the right on all the output produced. 

Content marketing agencies play an integral role in digital marketing. Before getting their service for your website, be clear with the terms and conditions of the contract. There are agencies which would want the rights over their content. This leaves you with less control over the content. Understanding the website ownership clause is key if you want full control of the site. 

Additionally, learning about website ownership provides you and your business a strong protection. Take time to know your rights and responsibilities in terms of website ownership. 

What about Rain Room Creative?

At Rain Room Creative Marketing we are a full service Web Design, Development, Content Marketing, and SEO agency. We believe you should own your own websites and all the content inside. 

There definitely are some shady agencies out there that may try to trick you into giving up ownership or control of your website. This is why it’s important to ask previous clients of any agency what their experience was like as well as understanding the contract. 

If you are interested in working with an honest and trustworthy agency, we would be happy to meet with you and learn more about your business! We’re always happy to provide you with examples of past work and references to our current and past clients. Hope to hear from you soon!